Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog 18: Answer 2

1. What is your EQ? 
    What is the best strategy that a shelter can employ that will improve the chances that it's animals get adopted?
2. What is your first answer? 
     The first answer to my EQ is, the best strategy a shelter can employ is to promote individual animals.
3. What is your second answer? 
    The second answer to my EQ would be good customer service at the shelter.
4. List three reason your answer is true with real-world application for each. 
     -  If another human being is within 4 feet of you, you must make eye contact, smile and verbally acknowledge him or her
       This more for the complaints that customers have
     - Take the time to fully hear and acknowledge the complaint
     - Apologize genuinely and sincerely, no matter what, since we're always sorry if someone has had a bad experience with us
5. What printed sources best support your answer? 
     There are no printed that I used that supported my second answers.
6. What other source supports your answer? 
     I used a blog post from ASPCA that actually backed up my source. The title of the blog post was called "2 Golden Rules for Happy Customers".
7. Tie this together with a concluding thought.
     In the end customer service is also important when it comes to pet adoption. You can't just have rude employees that work at the shelter, then people are not going to want to go back to that shelter because they don't want to have to deal with them.

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